ALPOL GIPS Claims the ‘Nasze Dobre Świętokrzyskie’ Quality Award
On Thursday, October 16th, 2008, flowers and congratulations accompanied the event held on the small stage of the Kielce City Cultural Centre, where the editorial office of the “Echa Dnia” newspaper awarded “Nasze Dobre Świętokrzyskie” (“Our Best from Świętokrzyskie”) quality mark, the award in a prestigious contest organized by the newspaper.

The competitors that qualified were companies registered in the Świętokrzyskie region, producing high quality goods or providing high quality services.

The goal of the contest is to select and promote goods produced in the Świętokrzyskie region – those products, which due to their quality and popularity, represent the examples to follow.
The winners were selected by the chapter of the award committee, appointed by the organizers and made up of persons of public trust, quality specialists, marketing professionals and media representatives.

The winners of the contest are entitled to use the “Echa Dnia” quality mark of “Nasze Dobre Świętokrzyskie”.

ALPOL GIPS was awarded with the “Nasze Dobre Świętokrzyskie” quality mark for its clinker bricklaying system. The award medal and the commemorative diploma were received on behalf of the company by Mr. Władysław Gumułka, President of the Board.