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Both products can be applied for grouting façade files. However, they differ from each other in terms of granulation and scope of application. Fine-grained, ALPOL AZ 150-156 nano-grouts can be used for grouting 2-10 mm wide joints. By contrary, ALPOL AZ 120-126 nano-mortars are a bit more coarse-grained. Hence, apart from their basic application (masonry mortars), they can also be used for grouting 5-30 mm wide joints.... Read more wiecej
The cause of such bloom and tarnish is the migration of various chemical compounds dissolved in water, which are mainly calcium ions and sulphites, from the wall inside to its surface where they crystallise. The best way to eliminate such problems is to use special ALPOL AZ 120 ÷ AZ 126 nano-mortar for clinker.... Read more wiecej

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